Log Wash

Log homes require regular maintenance and it makes it easier to have a routine set, such as inspections in the spring and fall.

We know how to keep a log home looking like new and want to help you make that happen. Caring for your log home should be easy when you plan to keep up with the maintenance a couple times a year.


In order to maintain your logs, there  are a few easy  steps to take. A few to keep in mind would be to be sure shrubs are  trimmed away from your home, to be sure that the growth doesn’t affect your logs. The gutters and down spouts around the building need to be emptied on a regular basis to avoid overflow and spillage onto log walls.

Wood piles that often seem to be up against a home for easy access isn’t ideal for logs. It will trap moisture against the logs and it will block sunlight causing a faded look to that area of the wall, be sure to not block sunlight from any part of the building.

Cleaning the log walls of your home seasonally is most effective, this ensures that you have clearly looked over the entire home to check for any damage.

Damage gone unnoticed and unattended to can end up costing you more money and time.  Log home owners take in the natural beauty of their home and preserving that look should be a top priority. 

The maintenance of the finish of your home is something that we are glad to help our customers with. The stain and finish of the log home is an effective way to keep your logs protected and healthy.

We recommend applying a finish every 4-6 years based on how well your logs have weathered since previously applied. This will protect from UV damage, water, mold and mildew.

Our Team Consists Of Great Craftsmen Skilled To Make Sure Your Finished Project Is Perfect. Our Team Invites Clients To Watch And Learn Throughout The Journey Of The Project.

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